Dust is a common issue every homeowner runs into over time. It may seem like a trivial issue, but dust buildup can cause problems for people with asthma, allergies, and/or breathing problems. It can seem never ending, but there are many ways to reduce the amount within your home.

  1. Establish a Cleaning Schedule
    Daily cleaning is the first step to minimizing dust buildup. By cleaning weekly, you can majorly reduce the amount of dust in your home and keep your home looking in top shape. Small flecks of dirt and smut can negatively affect the indoor air quality if it persists– so it’s important to wash pillows and clean tables often.
  2. Wash Bedding Weekly
    Since you are constantly sleeping in your bedding, it collects the dirt and dead skin particles from your body as well as the dust that permeates regularly– so it is important to wash your bedding frequently. Pillows are also notorious for collecting small particles and should also be washed along with bedding.
  3. Invest in an Air Purifier
    An air purifier does exactly what you would expect:– cleaning the air in your house. Air purifiers are handy tools for catching dust and other dirt particles from the air and are perfect for those with asthma or allergies that are sensitive to the air quality. But they are perfect for anyone seeking to eliminate dust from their home.
  4. Vacuum
    A good vacuum cleaner is a valuable ally for keeping your home looking clean and tidy. Vacuuming is the best way to get rid of dirt around your home quickly and efficiently. If you vacuum once per day or even weekly, then you will see a significant reduction in dust around the house. Just make sure to cover the expanse of your floors in order to get the best results.
  5. Clear Clutter
    Objects that are left out for long periods of time are bound to gather dust. If you have lots of miscellaneous objects and decorations around the house, they may grow dirty more quickly and be difficult to clean around. You can tidy this clutter by reorganizing or you can clean frequently to keep it all clear of all filth.
  6. Blinds and Windows
    Window blinds are notorious collectors of fine particles so it is important to clean them frequently. By doing so weekly, you can keep them relatively dust-free and keep your windows looking polished.
  7. Keep the Vents Clean
    Air ducts take little time to clean–but doing so can make a huge difference. This includes floor, ceiling, and wall vents. In order to keep the air in your house clear and healthy to breathe vents require monthly cleanings, especially with pets in the house.

Combating dust is a challenge for any homeowner. It takes responsibility in order to keep dust from building up in your home– but establishing a cleaning schedule for yourself can help to significantly mitigate this problem.

Long Ridge Construction understands the difficulty of owning a home, searching, and buying–and is here to help. We have semi-custom homes for sale in beautiful communities throughout scenic Pennsylvania. Long Ridge Construction is ready to assist you through the process and to find your unique place to call home.