Houseplants are a great way to brighten up a room and add decoration. They also help filter the air and leave rooms smelling fresh. But remember that being a plant parent isn’t always easy. For example, some plants require more care than others. To learn which plants to buy, read our list of easy houseplants for any homeowner. 

Snake Plant

A snake plant is a succulent with broad pointed leaves that can grow up to four feet tall. When caring for a snake plant, be sure to keep it near sunlight. But don’t worry if your home doesn’t get tons of natural light. Thankfully, a snake plant can survive in fairly irregular amounts. To identify when your snake plant needs water, feel the top of the soil. If it’s dry, water it until the top layer is saturated. That’s all there is to it for this easy houseplant!


Money Tree

This plant gets its name from a legend that says money trees are holy trees that bring wealth and good luck. Make sure to give your money tree tons of indirect sunlight to protect the leaves. Also, try to keep it away from vents and drafty places. Let your tree’s soil dry in between waterings (which will usually take about a week). The minimal effort needed for a money tree makes it an ideal plant for any homeowner. 


Majesty Palm

Majesty palms are great plants to fill space because they can grow to heights of up to fifteen feet. Since it’s such a big plant, a majestic palm requires a lot of sunlight. So make sure to put your palm in front of a window. Overall, this plant grows best in areas with low humidity. Because of this, mist the fronds weekly, especially if the climate is drier where you live. Another caretaking task is adding fertilizer every three months or so. With these steps down, you’ll have a happy and healthy plant! 

Peace Lily

Lilies are notoriously easy plants–and the peace lily is no exception. For example, you only need to water it weekly (every two weeks in winter) and keep it out of direct sunlight. Like the majesty palm, peace lilies require fertilizer. Make sure to add some every six weeks to keep your plant looking its best. However, be careful with peace lilies if you have pets and babies. This is because the leaves cause irritation to the mouth when chewed. But overall, the peace lily is a beautiful and easy plant. Look for places to shop for a variety of houseplants.  


Houseplants are a great way to brighten a home and bring it to life. And the best part? Anyone can learn how to take care of plants. You just need to know the ideal condition to make each plant thrive. At Long Ridge Construction, we’re dedicated to helping you build your dream home with plenty of space–and light–for your favorite houseplants. Contact us today and learn more about our semi-custom homes and the Orchard View community.