Have you ever wondered what kind of decor fits you best? You may know what style you like, but you may not be sure how to achieve it when decorating your home. Let’s look at two types of popular styles—minimalism and maximalism—and several tips for how to achieve each.


Minimalism is just what it sounds like: minimal decorations, clean lines, and a monochromatic color palette—only using color as an accent. You will also notice that many minimalistic houses have open floor plans, natural light, and multi-functional furniture. The goal of minimalism is to reduce distractions and focus attention on the essential elements of a piece, thereby highlighting its essence and simplicity.


There has been a massive turn to minimalism throughout the past 10 years. This is, in part, due to social media’s influence on decor trends. Through platforms like Instagram, decorators can easily share minimalist interior designs. The design style has also gained popularity because it is often more sustainable and produced using environmentally conscious practices. Additionally, it may be manufactured with fewer resources and materials. Here are several simple suggestions to help you achieve a minimalist home style:

  • Minimal furniture 
  • Clean surfaces 
  • Accent decorations 
  • Quality over quantity



Maximalism has experienced a resurgence in popularity due to its more-is-more approach. This style is the opposite of minimalism—aiming to create rooms that are rich in visual and sensory elements. That means mixing patterns, using bright colors, and making bold gestures. Maximalism can give your house a playful feel while allowing the decorator to be expressive.

After the pandemic, people began trading in clean lines for a more maximalist style. This includes using more decor in lightly used flex spaces, turning them into multifunctional offices or playrooms. Maximalism can provide a sense of warmth and coziness, especially when it is combined with comfortable furniture and materials—such as plush fabrics and warm lighting. 

Using some of the following can help you achieve a maximalist home style:

  • Bold and vibrant colors
  • Comfort in furniture 
  • Patterns
  • Decorated walls 


Which Do I Choose?

Minimalism and maximalism are on the rise for different reasons, but they can both help you achieve a great home style. You can pick one—or find a middle ground between the two. Overall, minimalism and maximalism represent two different approaches to art and design, each with its own unique aesthetic and appeal.

Now that you know the difference between minimalist and maximalist, you can pick a style that fits you. Ultimately, the goal is to find a style that makes your house feel like a home. Long Ridge Construction’s semi-custom homes are perfect for expressing individuality no matter what your artistic eye beholds. Contact us to learn more about Orchard View and start building your dream home.